
Phases 1 - 4 Anecdote

Phase 1 
Binh was sober before entering the Vietnam war, unprepared as to what was to come. He was just an innocent teenage kid with a clean slate that was about to change for the worse

Phase 2
After spending some time in the war, he lost all his innocence after seeing brutality all around him and participating in the brutality. This violence he not only seen, but was a part of led to depression and he succumbed to alcoholism to mollify the pain and guilt he suffered on a daily basis. Being a kid himself, he couldn't take that he could have been responsible for taking the life of another teenager, and the pain was too much to bear

Phase 3
After more time fighting in the war, and many other transgressions have transpired, the alcohol no longer was enough for him to numb the mental stain of daily battle. Misery and violence was quotidian and became harder to bare. With this, he took up heavier drugs and commenced taking heroin. The heroin damaged his body, but more importantly to him the drug damaged his memory. While intoxicated, he no longer had to think of all the innocent children he may have killed. He didn't have to think of all the violence and terror that surrounded him by a daily basis. He didn't care if the drug would ultimately lead to his demise, as the benefits far outweighed the adverse effects that could become problematic.

Phase 4
The heroin had finally became too taxing on his body, and he ended up overdosing. What was originally intended to kill his memory, ultimately killed him in the process
Binh's mother is from an Eastern tradition that tends to believe in the supernatural, and that humans have more than one soul, and that these different souls are at different locations at the same time. One being in heaven, the other in the underworld, while the other souls connect with each other to form the personality of an individual. It's similar to Western science that believes we have different brains integrated into one to give us our personality, viz. reptilian, mammalian, and neomammalian brain all working together to create our personality and life.Like the triune brain theory, different parts of the soul are associated with different organs in the human body. Just as the vagus nerve is dedicated mainly to the heart, so a soul would be assigned to the heart. Each soul, the heart soul, bladder soul, brain soul would all have different destinies after death, since souls are immaterial and do not die, they continue living, but would be assigned a destiny after the corporeal body has died

- by Kyra Santiago-

Self Destruction / Self Reflection

BoyChild x Kyra Santiago

My 1st Official Drawing of the performing Artist  Boychild

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